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The following are some commonly asked questions that individuals generally have. If your concern is not included, please don’t hesitate to contact us so that we can handle it promptly.

Mr Ibrahim is a founder of 2-point jawline technique that is performed with a cannula. The benefits of this technique are;
No Pain, No Bruising, No Downtime, Safer, Comfortable, Quick.

The jawline is not prominent due to several reasons such as getting fat, genetic factors and ageing. Jawline fillers provide facial harmony and help slim and tighten your face. A double chin can also be improved by contouring the jawline.

Jawline contouring generally requires 2-6 ml for woman, 3-8 ml for man.

Therefore, patients who decide to do jawline fillers should know that at least 2 ml fillers should be applied for the desired results.

A non-surgical rhinoplasty is a popular and more affordable alternative to the traditional rhinoplasty procedure and doesn’t involve going under the knife. Unlike surgical rhinoplasty, the results are temporary.
Nose reshaping without surgery, also known as a liquid nose job, involves a dermal nose filler being injected into the nose and helps to change and make corrections to the structure. A non surgical nose job can make the tip more prominent, or lift the tip if desired, correct a dorsal hump and build up a nasal bridge. It is also highly effective at smoothing out bumps and adding volume and symmetry to the nose. The overall result is a more aesthetically pleasing, contoured, nose.
Non-surgical rhinoplasty is quick, non-invasive and involves no downtime, so you can return to work and other day-to-day activities immediately. Unlike surgical rhinoplasty, the results of a non-surgical rhinoplasty are immediate. Your new nose shape will last for up to 12 months.

The principal advantage of the technique is that it avoids a surgical procedure. However, by definition, the treatment is not permanent. A non-surgical rhinoplasty (nose job) can be used effectively to correct the appearance of the nose from small bumps to straightening the nose’s appearance.
A non-surgical nose job can be used to improve certain features of a patient’s nose who is not yet ready for a surgical rhinoplasty and to refine or augment the appearance of a person’s nose who has previously undergone rhinoplasty.

Anyone who has:

  • Slightly crooked nose
  • A small nose that needs building up
  • A hook shaped noses that would like straightening
  • A mild to moderate bump on the bridge of the nose
  • A mild to moderate drooping of nasal tip
  • A nose that needs refinement after surgical rhinoplasty
  • Noses that would like more height, definition and a nose tip particularly in Asian nose.

Smile lines are also endearingly called laugh lines or laughter lines. They are wrinkles that appear around the edges of the mouth, they may also appear near the eyes and as the name implies, they may become more prominent when you smile. The good news is that there is a very simple and quick procedure that can be performed to correct the appearance of smile lines.

At Reign Clinic, our practitioners are experts in the best smile line fillers in London.

The profhilo treatment is ideal if you have lax, thin, sun-damaged skin on your face, neck, décolleté, arms and hands.

Profhilo can significantly improve your skins hydration and firmness whilst remodeling your ageing skin.

It is recommended to have 2 sessions (one month apart) to achieve the maximum results.

However, if the skin problems are severe, the third session could be done 2 months after the second session.

In order to maintain the results, one treatment session is advised every 6 months.

Results are usually seen 2-3 weeks after the first session.

Tear trough fillers are a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment.

It involves numbing the tear trough area and injecting the area with dermal filler and tired expression under the eye is corrected, which boost collagen production and replace the lost volume brought about through the ageing process.

Over the years, the body’s natural production of structural tissues slows down and we start to notice a change in our appearance. The skin produces less and less of its own collagen and hyaluronic acid. Thus, we see a loss of tone, the first signs of aging, and dehydration.

This procedure involves tiny injections of hyaluronic acid (HA), vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants into the upper layers of the skin. It is designed for: active hydration, smoothing of wrinkles, elimination of post-acne marks and general improvement of the skin’s condition.

The advantages of the neck biorevitalization procedure include:

  • fast effects of rejuvenation.
  • quick recovery after the procedure.
  • time efficient.
  • readily available.
  • low risk of complications.
  • can be carried out at any time of the year.
  • suitable for all ages.

Jawline filler and chin filler is an instant and effective extraordinary method to enhance the appearance of the jaw and chin area.

The Chin fillers are a popular treatment in which dermal fillers are used to enhance the chin. Chiselled, defined, or blended naturally – as our doctors specialise in chin fillers, it is no surprise that chin fillers are among the top 3 areas for fillers at Reign clinic. The concept of chin fillers can seem unusual at first but the chin is a really important three-dimensional feature of the face. Both men and women see positive benefits from chin fillers. In our specialist hands, many will benefit from tweaks to the chin to keep it looking its best.


The Jawline Filler treatment can help both men and women to create a contoured jawline that frames the face to obtain a more masculine or feminine jawline, respectively.While some people are born with a jawline they are not happy with, in most cases, the jawline appearance is affected by the ageing process, mainly in two ways.

  • As the skin loses elasticity and begins to sag, the jawline starts to appear soft and lacking definition. The corners of the mouth also begin to droop, causing ‘marionette lines’ wrinkles that extend into the jawline and creating jowls.
  • A loss of fat tissue often causes two divots to form along the jawline, known as the pre-jowl sulcus, which further accentuates the appearance of jowls.

In these cases, dermal fillers are used to fill in the lines, add volume where it has been lost, create a lifting effect, and camouflage the look of jowls with strategically placed filler. This procedure may also be combined with a skin tightening treatment.

  • Effective results for weak or recessive chins
  • Define an ageing face
  • Improve facial proportions
  • Minimal downtime
  • Natural results

Following a consultation, we will evaluate the most appropriate treatment for you.

Anti-Wrinkle Injectables can be used as a preventative measure to help soften the expression lines that form when your face moves and put the formation of future lines on pause.

We do not take deposits at Reign Clinic.

Please let us know immediately if you are pregnant, since you will not be eligible for some cosmetic and skin procedures.

Botox and fillers are absolutely prohibited on pregnant women.

Mild bruising and swelling are normal, so you need not be concerned.

However, you should call us if the bruising is significant.

You may schedule an appointment online, via phone, or by email.

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